The purpose of the Annual Report of Public Joint Stock Company Rosseti South for 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the Report, the Annual Report) is to inform stakeholders about the crucial events, production & financial and sustainable development performance results of the Company, as well as its impact on the economy and the environment.
The 2023 Report has been prepared in accordance with international and Russian standards and regulatory requirements, including:
- Federal Law dated No. 39-FZ dated 22 April 1996 “On the Securities Market”
- Federal Law No. 208-FZ dated 26 December 1995 “On Joint Stock Companies”
- Bank of Russia's Regulation No. 714-P “On Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Equity Securities” dated 27 March 2020
- Recommendations on by public joint stock companies disclosing non-financial information related to the activities of such companies (Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No.
IN-06–28 /49 dated 12 July 2021) - Code of Corporate Governance approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia on 21 March 2014 and recommended for application by Letter of the Bank of Russia No.
06–52 /2463 dated 10 April 2014 (hereinafter referred to as Code of Corporate Governance of the Bank of Russia) - Standards on sustainable development reporting such as GRI and others
Public Joint Stock Company Rosseti South may also be referred to as PJSC IDGC of the South (the previous name until 14 February 2022), Rosseti South, PJSC Rosseti South, the Company, or the Company in the text of the Report.
In the reporting year, we identified topics reflecting the most significant economic, social and environmental impacts of Rosseti South, which involved the participation of external and internal experts. We studied their opinions, ranked the topics by degree of importance and compiled their list.
- Protecting the health of employees and creating safe working conditions
- Reducing the negative impact on the environment by creating smart electricity metering systems
- Ensuring high standards of quality and reliability of power supply
Rosseti South plays a pivotal role in ensuring power supply to four southern regions of the Russian Federation. Despite all the difficulties and challenges of the reporting year, the Company demonstrates seamless operation, ensures reliable power supply to consumers, puts new facilities into operation, connects hospitals, schools, kindergartens to its grids, while taking care of the well-being of every resident of the regions where it operates. By doing this, our Company participates in the common cause of the entire nation, helping to implement national and regional projects. Therefore, for the 2023 Report we chose the theme “Together with the Country” and disclose it in the document.
We recognise that the expertise and experience of our staff — who are always learning new skills — along with the implementation of cutting-edge technologies and careful planning are the cornerstones for successfully completing the duties assigned by the government and society. We are convinced that only through our continuous efforts to improve people's quality of life and our responsibility to society we can maintain our leadership in the industry and ensure our success in the future.
This Report also presents certain important events in the Company's activities that took place after the reporting date — in the period from 1 January 2024 to the preliminary approval of the Report by the Board of Directors.
This Annual Report has been prepared on the basis of information available to Rosseti South as of the date of the Report. The Annual Report provides an overview of the Company's results for 2023, as well as the historical changes in indicators for
Information on members of the Company's governing and control bodies, members of the Board of Directors' Committees and the Corporate Secretary, as well as on the amount of personal remuneration is provided in this Report with consideration of the requirements of the Russian Federation legislation on personal data.
The Annual Report contains certain forward-looking statements regarding the Company's business operations, financial and economic performance, plans, projects and expected results. The Report may also include estimates of trends in service/product prices, production and consumption volumes, costs, projected expenditures, development prospects and similar factors, as well as industry and market forecasts, start and end dates of individual projects of the Company.
The Company makes no promises or guarantees regarding the realisation of the results expressed in the forward-looking statements. Rosseti South disclaims any liability for any losses incurred by individuals or entities that bank on any forward-looking statements. In each individual case, these forward-looking statements are simply one of many scenarios that could occur and should not be taken as the most likely one.